Tuesday, May 1, 2012


And the year 2012 continues as the month of April has ended and surrendered to the month of May.  And I'm hoping that May will be the month that I finally find employment.  For I've been needing good news with my job hunt.  With employment, I might have a better chance of repaying my United States Government College Tuition loans much faster.  So will I return to college once I repay my United States Government College Tuition loans?  Well, I already have an Associates in Restaurant Management, a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a Paralegal Certificate and all three college degrees have been useless in escaping minimum wage employment.  I'm not saying that college class isn't for everybody.  However, I'm saying that my life doesn't seem destined in the college class direction.  So I'm not sure if I'm going back to college once I get my United States Government college tuition loans repayed.  It depends on if a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Which was only four classes away from graduating with a 3.0 grade point average before the bottom fell out in my life) will result in actual job opportunities.  Am I getting too old to be hoping for life beyond minimum wage employment.  Or is minimum wage employment all that I'm capable of doing?  I ask myself that question all the time.  I continue to live my life one day at a time.

As I ponder what my future will be like, here are some photos of sexually seductive country music performer Carrie Underwood.