And here I am. I just filled out another job application form on the Internet. Yet another company has chosen a paperless job application form over paper job application form. So the question is simply this. Is paper job application forms better than paperless job application form. I mean, aside from the obvious advantage of saving a few trees from being turned into paper. A few forests gets to stick around a little bit longer because of the paperless job application form process. However, does filling out a paper job application process in front of the Prospective Employer better than filling out the paperless job application form several miles away in a faceless anonymous manner? It depends on if you believe that anonymous job application form process is better than being known to the Prospective Employer. The way I see it, it won't matter if the manner in which the job application form is filled out won't make much difference. The Prospective Employer is going to need to look at you face to face for the job interview. And if the Prospective Employer doesn't like the way you gave the job interview, than it won't matter if the job application form was filled out in an anonymous manner or not. Only those who have something to hide would prefer the cloak of anonymity. At least, that's my opinion on the subject. However, I have no problem filling out a paperless job application form if that's what it takes to be employed again.
As I fill out a few more job application forms, here are some photos of rock star Kelly Clarkson.