Axl Rose (born under the name William Bruce Rose, Jr) is fifty years old. Lana Del Rey (Born under the name Lizzy Grant) is twenty-five years old. And through it all, there's rumors flying around that the two of them are going steady. Ok, most of the tabloids only have this photo to base the rumors on. The photo doesn't show them walking hand in hand. The photo doesn't show them kissing or making out. The photo only shows Axl Rose and Lana Del Rey walking through the door together. Hey, I walk through the same door as countless women, but that doesn't mean that I'm going steady with them. Still, there might be more evidence to the rumors that Axl Rose and Lana Del Rey are going steady beyond this photo---Perhaps. Is Axl Rose and Lana Del Rey getting into the same car together? Is that what the tabloids based the rumors on? Whatever the case may be, I guess being hounded by the tabloid paparazzi is one of the consequences a famous person like Axl Rose and Lana Del Rey has to experience for being rich and famous.