Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I had so much flat tires on my bicycle that it's easy to get paranoid.  To answer your next question, there isn't a flat tire crises right now.  However, the chance for another tire popping incident could always happen without warning.  To be honest, getting a flat tire is the last thing I need right now.  Without a car and with everything in Cleveland, Ohio so spread out, a bicycle is the only reasonable way I can transport myself from place to place.  I've gotten really good when it comes to traveling huge distances by bicycle.  So you see, not only is a bicycle necessary, but I've gotten really good at using it.  I'm not likely to win any bicycle races anytime soon.  Peddling a bike around is simply a form of transportation.  That's it.  It would be better if I'm better able to fix a flat tire myself instead of depending on a store to do it.  Someday, my bike repair skills will improve.
In other areas in my life, what I thought was going to be delivered by UPS, ended up being transported by Federal Express.  And yes, it did arrive today.  So I won't need to wait for UPS or Federal Express or whatever was used by my Biologic Dad for package delivery.  So that particular crises has reached a happy ending.  Now all I need next is to be employed again.

While I'm busy filling out job application forms, here is a photo of country music stars Martie Maguire, Natalie Maines and Emily Robison aka the Dixie Chicks.  Yes, those are the legendary country music outlaws who got in trouble with Conservative Republicans for insulting former President of the United States George W. Bush while performing a concert in Shepherds Bush Empire Theater in London, England on March 10, 2003 (Which they still never recovered from).  Liberals say that there is nothing wrong with exercising the First Amendment of the United States Constitution Freedom of Speech.  Conservatives claim otherwise.  The controversy continues to rage onward.
Oh yes, here are some more photos of the infamous Dixie Chicks outlaw women.

Natalie Louise Maines

Martha Elenor Erwin aka Martie Seidel aka Martie Maguire

Emily Burns Erwin aka Emily Robinson