What is today? Oh yes, it's Wednesday. Easter Sunday is this Sunday. Good Friday is this Friday. Wow, time flies much too quickly. I didn't realize that Easter is almost already here. Wow, that's something I didn't expect. Yes, it would be nice if I were employed. If I were employed, then I'd be able to repay my United States Government college tuition loans much faster. So what big holiday comes after Easter? The Fourth of July? Is there any huge holidays between Easter and the Fourth of July? None? What a shame. Somebody better pick up the pace and create a few more holidays for us all to enjoy. All this celebrating is making me giddy. Oh right, I keep forgetting. You're not supposed to be happy about Easter despite the bunny rabbits and the Easter eggs. I keep forgetting that Easter is supposed to be about the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. I have to admit that Easter eggs and bunny rabbits is a weird way to celebrate the funeral of Jesus Christ. Does the Middle East, where Jesus Christ spent his entire life living in, even have any bunny rabbits? If not, then how did bunny rabbits got mixed up with the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ?
While I'm thinking about Easter, here is a photo of country music star Carrie Underwood.