So it's night. Daylight has gone and replaced with darkness. Is there a moon above us? I don't know. It's hard to see from the inside. I don't want to open to door to check for a moon outside. I might run the risk of waking people up. I'm sure there's a moon above the Earth. There's always a moon above the Earth. However, I'm not sure if it's actually possible to see the Moon as it hangs above the Earth. It would be nice to have the chance to visit the Moon. Yes, it's impossible. First, space shuttle and rocket ship technology hasn't advanced that far. Plus, Conservative Republicans keep acting like their about ready to end NASA altogether. So if there were any possible chance to visit the Moon, there are to options left to us by Conservative Republicans....
1. Wait for the Russians to build a rocket ship and/or space shuttle that could travel to the Moon. Then beg Russia to let us hitch a ride with them.
2. Wait for Donald Trump to build a rocket ship and/or space shuttle. After all, it was Conservative Republicans bright idea to privatize most of NASA anyway. Now is Corporate America's chance to prove to us that they're capable of handling the challenges of privatized NASA space exploration, privatized roads, privatized streets, privatized schools and privatized just about everything else while shedding layers of their own corporate structure.
While I'm sobbing over the slow and gradual loss of NASA, here are some photos of rock star Christine Aguilera aka X-Tina.