Sunday, March 4, 2012


It just goes to show that it's impossible to predict the weather in Cleveland, Ohio.  Just when I gave up on the prospect of snow due to a mostly mild winter, snow suddenly falls.  This isn't a light snow like the one that fell yesterday.  Oh no, this is the seriously heavy snow that falling in thick sheets.  I already shoveled the driveway once and it looks as if I might need to shovel the driveway a few more times before the day is through.  Hold on a second, the snow appears to stopped falling.  Never mind.  I'll only need to shovel the driveway one more time---To remove the light dusting.  Like I said before, it's impossible to predict the weather in Cleveland, Ohio.  The question ends up becoming, how long will the traditional Winter snow last in Cleveland, Ohio.  I'm willing and able to take bets everybody.
While I'm warning up after shoveling the snow from the driveway, here is a photo of film actress (and daughter of rock star Steve Tyler), the one, the only Liv Tyler.