While I'm thinking about science fiction television shows, here are some photos of rock star Sheryl Crow.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
I know it's weird to be talking about the television series V now that it's canceled and gone. However, there are storyline elements that I still found interesting. For those who don't know, V started out as two television miniseries entitled V and V--The Final Battle. Audience response was so favorable, that even though the evil V Queen played by Jane Badler was overthrown and 90% of her minions killed, there was a one season maximum full length television series in 1984. Then there was a second volume of the television series V starting in 2009 and lasted for two seasons. The second volume was canceled in 2010 with more of a whimper than a bang. However, it must be cool to live in these flying saucer spaceship that hovers over New York City. No need to build an embassy on actual ground. Just have the V alien race embassy fly over the city instead. Too bad buildings below the V embassy flying saucer spaceship will be under the constant metallic cloud of darkness. However, V aliens have a better deal as residence of the flying saucer spaceships that also function as embassies. You never saw the actual planet V. And normal human beings in the "Live Aboard Program" were eaten for dinner or tortured on sewing needle machines. I guess Hell and it's tendencies for torture is the equivalent as living on planet V. While the Jane Badler version of the V Queen was constantly childless. The Morena Baccarin version of the V Queen had a daughter Lisa (played by Laura Vandervoort). In the final episode, it turned out that the constantly elusive secret weapon race of armed warriors turned out to be 10,000 clones of Lisa. Not only was Lisa daughter to the V Queen, but she was the secret weapon the V aliens needed to defeat and enslave the human race. The reason why was simple. The V Queen (Jane Badler's version was named Diana while Morena Baccarin's version was named Anna) was violently allergic to her own enslaving the human race doomsday weapon oddly named Bliss. It turned out that Lisa wasn't allergic to the Doomsday Bliss Machine. When Lisa's humanity was pounded out of her and turned her into a inhuman killing machine by the abusive V Queen (also her mother), what happened was...Too bad the television series V got canceled. Also too bad that it took too long for the televisions series V to actually get started with it's multi-episode storyline. But then again, both volumes of the television series V was more of a three season (Two mini series from 1983, a full length series in 1984 and a full length series from 2009 and 2010) prologue to something bigger and more ambitious. I guess we'll have to wait a little bit longer to find out what the planet V actually looks like for instance. Oh well, such things happen.
While I'm thinking about science fiction television shows, here are some photos of rock star Sheryl Crow.
While I'm thinking about science fiction television shows, here are some photos of rock star Sheryl Crow.