I dread everytime the strong wind blows. Not only because it's difficult to ride a bike against a powerful gust of wind. But also because there's always an absurd number of sticks lying in the backyard everytime a strong gust of wind blows. No other backyard in the neighborhood is getting this number of brocken sticks getting blown to the ground. Only my Mom's house is lucky enough to get a backyard littered with twigs and brocken tree branches. So begins the labor inducing task of picking up an ENTIRE TRASH CAN full of broken twigs, sticks and branches from the backyard. Sometimes there's more than one ENTIRE TRASH CAN full of broken twigs, sticks and branches. You would've figured that trees that's nearby the house would've run out of twigs to fall into the backyard of my Mom's house, but that hasn't happened yet.
As I'm busy clearing broken twigs, sticks and branches from the backyard, here is a photo of film actress, television actress and lead singer of the rockband She and Him Zooey Deschanel.