Friday, December 2, 2011


I really need to research how Santa Clause got mixed up with Christmas.  I'm wondering that because Santa Clause has nothing to do with the birth of Jesus Christ.  Essentially, Christmas was supposed to be about the birth of Jesus Christ.  I'm sure there's this long hidden secret about how Santa Clause got mixed up with Christmas that's so obvious.  However, such revelations to long hidden mysteries continue to escape from me.  Anyway, I have yet to do my Christmas shopping.  Yes, I know that I'll need to get started soon.  December tends to race past so quickly.  The sooner I can get my Christmas shopping done, the better off I'm going to feel.  It's not going to be an expensive Christmas holiday.  But there will be Christmas presents placed under the tree.
So it's the second day of December.  The third day of December is almost upon us all.  With the start of December comes the eventual end of the year 2011 and the start of 2012.  We're almost at the homestretch folks.  It's amazing how quickly the year 2011 has flown past.  There are days when I wish the year 2011 could've lasted a few more months.  There are days when I can't wait for 2011 to end and the year 2012 to start.  I know that the year 2012 will be amazing.  I'm glad you're going to be there to enjoy the year 2012 with me.  Among the sneak previews for the year 2012 will be the upcoming Presidential Elections.  Don't forget to vote.  Democracy can't continue if nobody takes the effort to vote.  Don't let the troops fighting overseas battle against the enemies of America dying in vain.  Get out there and vote.

Also, here are some photos of Reese Witherspoon.  I always enjoyed her movies and I always enjoyed her beauty.  I wait in excitement for the next Reese Witherspoon film.