Saturday, December 10, 2011


It's always nice when somebody's birthday is being celebrated.  No, it's not my birthday.  I was born on February 15, 1968.  I'm forty-three years old.  I'll be forty-four years old two months from now.  Britney Spears however appears to have been born in the month of December because she's seen with a birthday cake.  I never met Britney Spears and I only got this from her twitter blog.  I would like to know Britney Spears personally, but that hasn't happened yet.  Of course, with my luck, I'll be sitting next to her on a bench at an airport and I'll be so speechless with shock and awe, then no words will come out.  Then Britney Spears will walk away to stand next to and chat with a security guard and the opportunity will be blown.  Then I'll be spending the rest of the year hitting my head against the wall.  Of course, there's always the chance that I'll gather the courage to utter a sentence when in the same room as Britney Spears.  It depends on how much courage I've got at the time.  Anyway, Happy Birthday Britney Spears.  Birthday parties are always fun.