Thursday, November 10, 2011


There's a thought that entered my head. Would it be a good idea if it were possible for a bed to fly in mid-air while you're sleeping in it? If so, who would purchase such a thing. I doubt that you could get the United States Government to invest in flying bed technology. I, for instance, would be too freaked out by lying down on a bed that's floating eight feet above the clouds that it's impossible to go to sleep. What happens if you fall out of bed while it's flying across the sky at fifty-five miles per hour. Would a flying bed run on leaded or unleaded gasoline. Would you go to a normal gas station to refill the flying bed gasoline tank? Maybe the flying bed is solar powered. Wait a minute. Beds are for sleeping at night. Solar power is useless at night---At least for right now. Who knows? Maybe somebody will invent solar power that works great at night.

Anyway, what purpose would anybody have for a flying bed. I can't imagine how owning a flying bed could become the most important furniture a person could ever own. I don't see flying beds replacing cars as a method of transportation. I know this is a weird thing to think about. My imagination runs wild sometimes. Other times, I'm firmly rooted in reality. I believe that beds are fine without the need to fly in mid-air. Beds are fine rooted firmly on solid ground. It's easier to wake up in a bed that doesn't fly in mid-air. Anyway, here are some photos of Shania Twain. She's wealthy and famous. She can purchase whatever bed she wants to own. It's safe to assume that she owns a normal bed that's firmly rooted on solid ground.